Monhegan Historical & Cultural Museum Association, Inc.

2024 Annual Meeting of Members

Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 1:00 PM (EDT) at the Monhegan Church.

Also via Zoom:

Click HERE for Zoom Meeting Link




In-Person at the Church (On-Island Trustees & Members) AND via ZOOM (Off-Island Trustees & Members)


● Call to Order (Adam)
● Attendance and Introductions of Officers, Trustees and Staff (Mandy)
1. Officers: President, Adam Blumenthal; Vice President, Susan Bateson; Vice President and Chair of
the James Fitzgerald Legacy Committee, Susan Danly; Treasurer, Elena Henry; and Secretary, Mandy
2. Trustees: Elizabeth Bischof, Kal-El Bogdanove, Will Coleman, Laureen Gastón, Mary Kordak, Jan
Kornbuth, Lexi Krause, Laura Ligouri, Jessica Nicoll, and Earle Shettleworth
3. Staff: Director and Chief Curator, Jennifer Pye; Assistant Curator, Laura Desmond; Archival
Associate, Pamela Rollinger; Store Manager, Laurie Day; Administrative Assistant, Rebecca
FitzPatrick; Development Associate, Mia Boynton; Fitzgerald Studio Guide and Museum Store Clerk,
Kristen Lindquist
4. President and Director Emeritus: Edward Deci
5. Invited Guests, Trustee Candidates: Henry Barkhausen and Suzanne MacDonald
● Approval of Minutes (Mandy)
1. August 17, 2023 Annual Meeting of Trustees and Members
2. May 16, 2024 Trustees Meeting
● President’s Welcome and Report (Adam)
● Director’s Report (Jenn)
● Fitzgerald Legacy Report (Susan D)
● Treasurer’s and Finance Committee Report (Elena)
● Committee Updates
1. Collections Committee (Jenn)
2. Programs Committee (Mandy and Will)
3. Membership & Development Committee (Laureen and Susan)
● Nomination of Officers (for one-year terms, no term limits)
1. Adam Blumenthal, President; Susan Bateson, Vice President; Susan Danly, Vice President and Chair
of the James Fitzgerald Legacy Committee; Elena Henry, Treasurer; and Mandy Metrano, Secretary
● Nomination of Trustees (for 3-year terms, max of two consecutive terms)
1. Thanking outgoing Board Trustee: Laureen Gastón
2. For second terms: Jan Kornbluth, Lexi Krause, Laura Ligouri
3. For a first term: Henry Barkhausen and Suzanne MacDonald
● Other Business
1. Requesting trustees’ approval of draft IRS Form 990 for 2023
● Open Forum for questions or comments

***Trustees Adjourn to the Kent/Fitzgerald Studio following meeting for informal gathering with
family members***

Upcoming dates to note on calendars:
● Quarterly meetings of Board for 2024-2025 Season:

1. 4ᵗʰ Quarter meeting date is TBD; likely 2ⁿᵈ week of December
2. Annual Board Retreat Meeting in Brunswick, ME to visit Monhegan Wildlands exhibition at Bowdoin
College Museum of Art: Saturday to Sunday, February 8-9, 2025
3. Thursday, May 8, 2025 from 5 to 6:30pm by Zoom
4. Annual Membership Meeting: Thursday, August 14, 2025 at 1pm
● Opening Reception for 2025 Season: Sunday, July 6, 2025, 4pm
● Committee meetings to be held virtually on a schedule matched to priorities and activities

Attachments to be sent by email / posted-on-website in advance to Board Members:
1. Agenda for the Meeting
2. Draft Minutes from Annual Meeting of Members – August 17, 2023
3. Draft Minutes from Quarterly Trustees Meeting – May 16, 2024
4. Mission, Vision and Community Statements (Board approved May 2024)
5. 2021 to 2023 Operating Results and 2024 Budget
6. Balance Sheet as of 12/31/2023
7. Investment Accounts Performance as of 7/31/2024
8. 2024 Season Fundraising Results through 8/2/2024
9. Publicity Report through 7/31/2024
10. Draft 2023 IRS Form 990
11. Link to Short Bios of our Trustee Candidates