Nick Luisi: Novelty Apartments
Luisi stayed in the Novelty apartments along with Alex Minewski and Henry Kallem. Minewski helped him set up a framing shop, “The Swallow’s Nest, “ behind the Monhegan House, which helped support him while he stayed on the island. Photo courtesy of Alan Faller.

Alex Minewski: Novelty Apartments
"In the Novelty there were three studio apartments. One was Alex Minewski... Nick Luisi had a couple of rooms, and Henry Kallem was also there. The three of them, in the 60's were the bachelors of the island. Now Nich was 20 years older but Alex and Henry had big parties. Henry was always playing classical music, which would draw people to the studio." Natalie Minewski. Photo courtesy of Alan Faller.

Remo Farruggio: The Lobster Pot
While on Monhegan Farruggio rented the Lobster Pot, behind the Novelty apartments and the Monhegan House. Photo: Monhegan Museum Collection.

Murray Hantman: Walker Bright Cottage
Hantman and his wife Jo Levy spent thirty summers on Monhegan, first staying at the Monhegan House, then with Theophile Schneider on Fish Beach and finally, for many years, renting the Bright Cottage on Horn Hill. Image courtesy of Ann Gussow.

Jo Levy: Walker Bright Cottage
After a first visit to Monhegan in 1945, Levy spent the next 30 summers on the island. Levy and Hantman rented the Bright cottage for many years. Image courtesy of Ann Gussow.

Ted Davis: The Monhegan House
Davis rented room 7 of the Monhegan House every year, a part of his legendary routine.
“Forty summers I’ve spent in Room 7. [of the Monhegan House] Eighteen dollars a week for a double room. And at the Trailing Yew...breakfast was a dollar, lunch was, really dinner, a big meal, $2.50. And I think supper was a dollar and a half, something like that. So for $2.50, since we never ate the big lunch, was the expense there, and $3.00 a room. $5.50 a day. We managed to get fat on that .” Ted Davis, 1990. Photo: Monhegan Museum Collection.

Joe DeMartini: Trefethren/Black Duck Fish House
“..all the years he had that place reserved for him, McGee refused any offers of more money from people, said, no, as long as Joe wants it that’s his place. And she apologized if she had to raise the rent $50 or something, a season.” Jan McCartin. Photo: Monhegan Museum Collection.

Morris Shulman: Mosquito Notch
In 1966 Shulman and his wife bought a house on Horn Hill which they wife affectionately called “Mosquito Notch.” When he left the island in 1969, he sold the house to the Obermans, two young artists that Shulman had mentored. Photo Courtesy of Alan Faller.

Michael Loew: Earl Field House
Loew purchased this cottage on Horn Hill on Monhegan in 1960 and added a large studio in the early 1970’s. Photo courtesy of Alan Faller.

Zero Mostel: Mostel House
Mostel started coming to Monhegan in the early 1950s , and by 1968 he had built this house and studio on the south side of the island. Photo courtesy of Alan Faller.

Henry Kallem: Kallem House
At first Henry stayed in the Novelty apartments behind the Monhegan House with Nick Luisi and Alex Minewski. Once he was married, he brought a lot on Harbor View Road where his brother, Herb, and Zero Mostel had cottages and built his own home and studio. Photo courtesy of Alan Faller.

Herbert Kallem: Kallem House
Herbie initially rented the Lobster Pot behind the Monhegan House. In 1955, he and his wife, Sally, built a home on Harbor View road with wood from the old dance hall. Later, in 1968, he built his studio next door. Photo courtesy of Alan Faller.